Thursday, December 26, 2013

I can't stand these any longer

They are waaaaayy toooo cuteee :(
may i have at least one of them?
please? :(

Mr. Unussual Gingerman

cat skeleton candle

skull pancake

this watercolour cookies

 or would somebody give this a bouquet of unicorns on my birthday?i'll be love you so much <3 p="">

you can see more deadly toys and foods and many more here 

little secret

Everybody who knows me well must know that i love pine tree more than any other tree.

and also i love this flower much more than any flower.

they are kinda calming me down, and i like it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bandung Contemporary

Meet me and my artworks at Selasa Sunaryo Art Space, feel free to come :)

check out this cool Bandung Contemporary video teaser

see youuuu :*

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Wouhuu it's been couple of months without updating my blog.
There are several things i wanna share, many changes these days. happy, sad, happy again, sad again, but after all, thanks God maybe this year will be one of my best years ahead.
Jadi ini ceritanya.
1. Hello kampus,lapangan miring, kantin arsi dll. I'm back!

jadi ceritanya keterima, terus tiba2 di kampus ketemu sama Mia, Adel, Kuro, Panda, Radit, jajan di Bang In dan Bang Ed, smells like teen spirit pokoknya <3 font="">

2. I did (still do) some side jobs

kemarin cukup dirusuhkan dengan ngerjain ini itu. ini beberapa yang udah berlalu.

this artwork is made for shu uemura product launching. i draw with 3 other illustrators, Diani Apsari, Diela Maharani, and Lidia Puspita. fyi we draw with shu uemura's make up. so exciteddd.

dan ini nih, yang proses pengerjaannya cukup heboh bersama Ridlo yayangnya Wuri dan si kecil Saadiah
yaitu bikin kostumnya Chabatz d'entrar agak ribet nulisnya, ini juga sambil liat liat google takut salah ketik hihih, mereka performer dari perancis yang lagi residensi di sini. kalo sekarang mungkin mereka lagi tour Eropa.. ini fotonya nyomot dari web si miss flamingo :p

3. Prepare my next exhibition
setelah sekian lama gambar2 pake wacom, pas balik lagi ke kertas, syit men, yaudah satu kata itu udah cukup menjelaskan lah ya. nanti di post deh sketsa-sketsa kacaunya. nah klo udah kaya gini ga afdol kalo ga diakhiri dengan-->huhuhu.

4. i can't tell you yet. it's still a secret. :p

Thursday, July 18, 2013

it's been 2months without update


udah lama juga yaaa ternyataaa.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Odot [ 2 ]

ya begitulah singkatnya. :">

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


you can check more details here :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Random Thought [ 6 ]

Everybody has an affair. Just enjoy it while you can, because an affair never last forever.  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kopi Keliling #7

Kindly come and apreciate my artwork on Kopi Keliling #7, my friends, Rega, Resatio, and Diani will join the exhibition too, come comeeee! :)
click here for more info about Kopi Keliling.

And here's my artwork for Kopi Keliling #7

"Sajian Kematian" ,34 cm x 44 cm, mixed media on wood, 2013

"Dalam Kepercayaan 3 Dunia, mereka mengenal adanya Dunia Atas, Dunia Tengah dan Dunia Bawah. Dunia Atas atau dunia transenden , sering disimbolkan oleh hewan terbang bersayap, misalnya merak atau burung, Dunia Atas ini  disimbolkan dengan warna putih atau kuning. Dunia Tengah atau dunia dimana manusia hidup sering disimbolkan dengan tumbuhan, pohon, atau kayu kayuan, Dunia Tengah ini disimbolkan dengan warna merah atau coklat. Dunia Bawah atau dunia kematian, disimbolkan dengan warna hitam dan warna gelap lainnya.
Pemakaian simbol dan warna tersebut, berdampak pula pada makanan dan minuman tradisional Indonesia yang disuguhkan pada ritual tertentu, misalnya bubur merah dan bubur putih yang sering muncul pada ritual lahiran , nasi tumpeng (berbentuk segitiga dan berwarna kuning) yang sering muncul pada ritual syukuran, dan kopi (warna hitam) yang sering disuguhkan ketika seseorang meninggal dunia.
Untuk karya pada acara Kopi Keliling , saya ingin menceritakan kembali sejarah sistem kepercayaan 3 Dunia pada masa pra modern Indonesia melalui karya saya. Karya saya yang berjudul Sajian Kematian”  berbicara tentang kopi sebagai symbol kematian sementara penggunaan media kayu sebagai simbol manusia."

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

random thought [ 5 ]

ODOT [ 1 ]

Malem malem tanggung menjelang subuh gini seorang teman yang gak baru-baru banget putus tali kasihnya tiba-tiba minta tips n trik dalam hal modus asmara, mengingat kalo kata dia sy termasuk org yg dia anggap berhasil dalam modusin org, ya kurang berhasil apa? orang yg dulu sy modusin jd pacar sy skrg HAHAH.
dan pembicaraan dibuka dengan pertanyaan "dulu sama si odot kamu duluan yang move ya?"
dan lantas saya pun terbayang akan beberapa bulan yang lalu, pas lagi rajin-rajinnya nyusun setting, tak lupa interview intens dengan nara sumber yang tak lain adik dari target. Setelah diingat-ingat dengan sedikit malu tapi bangga sy bales pertanyaan dia dengan coolnya "YOI". Lantas ga sampe sepertiga detik dibales sama si teman "ajarin lah", dan udah bisa ditebak pembicaraan moal baleg dipagi buta ini banyak menghasilkan emoticon ":))))))))))))" .
obrolan singkat dengan teman saya yang agaknya ngebet banget sama si kecengannya yang dia panggil "babang" ini bikin saya inget sama masa masa bulan Ramadhan tahun kemarin, ketika lagu Kahitna - Andai Ia Mau Tahu menduduki chart recently played di Itunes, ketika minta pacar jadi salah satu doa penutup solat maghrib,ketika logaritma jd cupu setelah dibandingin dengan rumus "ngetweet apa ya biar disamber oknum", ketika ngetik "Ngeskrim yu pas mneh di bandung?" jadi kalimat yang begitu dipertimbangkan dengan sangat dari sisi tingkat keberhasilannya dan tentu saja biar toko Cizz jadi saksi betapa nervousnya saya malem tanggal 29 Juli itu. 

Maafkan keagresifanku ya Odot, aku pun geli sendiri nih setelah dipikir pikir berulang kali, kamu gak nyesel kan? :">

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

top most played

and the winner is Dewa Budjana with his beautiful instrument Caka 1922, 171 plays in a year! the first time i hear his music is when my friend Adzin gave me the song titlled "Early Mornin'" couple years ago. i don't have any right words to describe, i just feel something with this song, it's too deep. it's somehow push out my sensitive side, you should try hear this one in the night, with coffee and some incense. :)

Random Thought [ 4 ]

it's funny to see how people change, it's even funnier to see how much you've (i've) changed. 
you listen different music, you eat in different way, you wear another colour, you don't say curse words much, you forget many things, you quite often ,you're making friends with different people, you've been in love , you've been hated , you laugh for different jokes, you've been loved by different people, you've been missed and dismissed, you're making new dreams, you throw away the old dreams, and so on and so on...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

TA - DA !!

btw, the birthday was over , the euphoria is done, 
the question is,
is it the end or the start of quarter life crisis ?
ugh, fuck.

Another Feb 17

It's 12.16 am, on feb 22, today is my 4th day in my new age.25 years old girl.
On Feb 17 my friends gave me surprise, as long as i remember, they always give me surprise since my birthday in 2010, so yesterday was the 4th :D , the girls are amy , teten , cowcow and the queen trash, ancala. but here are the additional member nia and nana, and alsooooooo.. my boyfriend, rangga. :)
as always, the surprise consist of violence, bad words, and bullying. even my boyfriend bullying me :(
and in the end, there is an accident, 2 cars crashed right before we decide to go home. what a gore closing. and the people around street give applouse when the accident happened, what a fuck attitude. *dasar endonesah*
back to the track, as a birthday girl, i had some gifts they gave me. nana gave me 2 bottles of the famous sambal bu rudi fresh from surabaya, nana and ulman (nia's bf) gave me growbox, you can grow your own mushroom, as i like mushroom much,i really curious about it but unfortunately i never make time to buy it yet, so when nia gave it, i really excited to start growing my own mushroom :D, the girls gave me these-complete-head to toe-shower stuffs. since i'm so lazyyyy to take bath, they have idea to give me some shower things, but so sorry girls, as i love you so much, i won't break the gift so i decide to let it wraped like it was. NGHAGHAHAHAHGHA.
and another excited thing came from rangga, he gave me fujifilm instax mini 7s, yeayy! it's been a while since i stop taking pic with my holga, because its broken blitz, but i think i wanna make a lot of pic with this instax cam, if i compare with my octopus cam or my old holga it's wayyy easier to use,i wanna walk along, find something cuties to take pic with :)
i forgot to take the picture of the gifts, so i decide to post this later, maybe afternoon. with the photos :D
 Oh yes! here's the picture! i forgot to take pic of sambal bu rudy but my tummy is my witness :p

thank you so much for every wishes and gifts, i love you all <3>

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Deadline Pasti Berlalu

Di hari kamis yang cerah menjelang weekend....
